& Services

Monolithic refractories

Steel casting fluxes

Calderys engineers synthetic materials called casting fluxes that are used in the continuous casting process in steelmaking. Those tailor-made fluxes can be used in any type of caster (billet, bloom, beam blank slab and thin slab casters) and steel grade (from ultra-low to peritectic and high carbon steels, high strength and alloyed grades including transformation induced plasticity (TRIP).

Calderys Duisburg
Steelmakers that use Calderys’ steel casting fluxes benefit from:
  • State of the art manufacturing facilities strategically located worldwide to bring you local supply and services
  • A quality control and flux development laboratory at each production site
  • Over 40 years providing tailor-made casting fluxes to meet any specific requirement
  • Technical experts local to customers for onsite consultation