Industrial minerals

Pelletizer plant grates


Pelletizer plant grates

In pelletizer plant grates, different installation techniques are in balance depending on the need in speed, amount of repairs and degradation mechanism of the given area. Refractory selection is made to provide a reliable lining performance, so the customer gets visibility on its production and avoid unexpected halts caused by refractory failure.

<p>CALDE® GUN C 28 HR gunning reference solutions</p>
<p>CALDE® GUN MW STRONGLITE in cold zone then CALDE® GUN<br />
F 65 in warmer zone gunning reference solutions.<br />
<br />
CALDE® CAST F 40 G15 fireclay castable reference solutions.</p>
<p>CALDE® GUN MW STRONGLITE in cold zone then CALDE® GUN<br />
F 65 in warmer zone gunning reference solutions.<br />
<br />
CALDE® CAST F 40 G15 fireclay castable reference solutions.</p>
<p>SiC based shotcreting CALDE® SPRAYCAST SIC 70 reference<br />
solution to fight the corrosion and sticking of pellets.<br />
<br />
CALDE® CAST L S 60 similar solution installed by casting.</p>
<p>SiC based shotcreting CALDE® SPRAYCAST SIC 70 reference<br />
solution to fight the corrosion and sticking of pellets.<br />
<br />
CALDE® CAST L S 60 similar solution installed by casting.</p>
<p>Intermediate temperature zone<br />
Fast Repair - CALDE® SOL GUN MM 55 S5 sol bond gunning<br />
reference solution.</p>
<p>CALDE® GUN RP 55 gunning reference solutions</p>
<p>Fast Repair - Shotcreting CALDE® SOL SPRAYCAST M 74 A 3CP sol<br />
bond & CALDE® SPRAYCAST LM 74 A spraycasting solutions for<br />
quickest installation speed + quickest dry out for minimum downtime<br />
when large amount of repairs. Excellent abrasion resistance, high<br />
refractoriness, stable in thermal cycling and alkali resistant.<br />
<br />
Greenfield Projects - Casting CALDE® CAST LM 74 A low cement<br />
castable for best cost/performance ratio for large volumes with longer<br />
shutdown or greenfield. Castable solutions are available in ready<br />
shapes for thick and critical areas.</p>
<p>CALDE® GUN RP 55 gunning reference solutions</p>
<p>SiC based shotcreting CALDE® SPRAYCAST SIC 70 reference<br />
solution to fight the corrosion and sticking of pellets.<br />
<br />
CALDE® CAST L S 60 similar solution installed by casting.</p>
<p>SiC based shotcreting CALDE® SPRAYCAST SIC 70 reference<br />
solution to fight the corrosion and sticking of pellets.<br />
<br />
CALDE® CAST L S 60 similar solution installed by casting.</p>
<p>Fast Repair - Shotcreting CALDE® SOL SPRAYCAST LM 74 A<br />
3CP reference solutions.<br />
<br />
CALDE® CAST LX 58 castable reference solutions</p>
<p>These are the most critical areas subjected to high abrasion, thermal<br />
cycling and presence slag and build ups.<br />
<br />
Brick CALDE® BRICK A 60 Andalusite based dense high temperature<br />
fired brick solution for highest thermo-mechanical resistance and<br />
stability under heavy thermal cycling and highest temperatures<br />
<p>Fast Repair - Shotcreting CALDE® SOL SPRAYCAST LM 74 A<br />
3CP reference solutions.<br />
<br />
CALDE® CAST LX 58 castable reference solutions</p>
<p>CALDE® CAST LM 74 A<br />
<br />
CALDE® CAST L X 58 & CALDE® CAST F 40 G15 reference<br />
casting solutions installed by casting in-situ or in precast shapes,<br />
depending the wall area and temperature</p>

In pelletizer plant grates, different installation techniques are in balance depending on the need in speed, amount of repairs and degradation mechanism of the given area. Refractory selection is

made to provide a reliable lining performance, so the customer gets visibility on its production and avoid unexpected halts caused by refractory failure.


Calderys has a full range of insulating material by refractoriness, thermal

conductivity. Versatile products that can either by cast, gun or patch are preferred.

CALDE® CAST XL 106 C/G, CALDE® CAST XL 116 C/G, extra light insulating

solutions in colder areas.

CALDE® GUN MW STRONGLITE medium insulation solutions in hottest areas.

New! Insulating layer installed by shotcreting for highest speed solutions.

Quick Patch Repairs

CALDE® STIX PB 85 C/G fast repair patching solution with ultra high abrasion

resistance and without dryout constraints.



Binder for iron pellets

A dedicated bentonite grade binding agent of iron ore pellets. This clay mineral has unique

physicochemical & surface properties providing mechanical and metallurgical properties to the

iron pellets.