Calderys' Optimized Refractory Solutions Boost Steelmakers' Efficacy

Calderys’ Optimized Refractory Solutions Increases the Efficacy of Steelmakers’ processes

Lining of an EAF by Calderys

Refractories are an indispensable component within the Steelmaking Process, and the management of the supply line for such products and components are increasingly complex. 

Calderys uses its expertise in refractory technology and steel production processes to generate cost savings by optimizing productivity, increasing equipment availability and reducing refractory consumption by building tailor made solutions from refractory products, equipment and technical services at customer sites. 

Refractory suppliers operate on either international or local platforms, showing technical and commercial expertise in either single or multi business segments, depending on their size and scope. While many refractory players operate on a local level, which can bring marginal advantages in speed of response and shorter supply lines; many such local operators do not have the full range of products and services available to meet the demands for the full range of steel processing equipment that facilitates a simplified supply line. 

From the steelmakers' perspective, dealing with multiple suppliers can be a way of creating a competitive environment to gain the best commercial terms, but can be counterproductive in fulfilling all of its demands for stable product quality, consistency of supply, stability on pricing and provision of added value technical support and services. 

In order to meet these requirements, Calderys operates a Global Steel Network platform as an internal management tool, which provides a global refractory and service support operating in targeted geographical territories on different continents to meet clients needs. Such global steel focus highlights the importance of the customer, and is an instrument to satisfy the demands of major customers to allow for longer term cooperation and partnership in which both parties benefit.


Lining of an EAF by Calderys
Lining of an EAF by Calderys


Calderys has recently expanded its global technical and operational footprint, through the acquisition of Haznedar and Sunward refractories. Both entities were strategically positioned to meet the high demands of a local and international client base, and these additions to the Calderys footprint further strengthen both local and international technical excellence.

By leveraging its global network, Calderys is geared to provide complete refractory solutions to all steel processing equipment, with a commitment of assured supply and continual improvement programs dedicated to reducing refractory costs overall. Such global resources are backed up with international technical support, with dedicated local support to each of the customer’s individual steelmaking entities. 


For more information, contact Craig Willoughby, Technical Development Manager - Iron and Steel Refractory